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Dark Surrender Reading Challenge 2019

By January 8, 2019September 16th, 2019News

The reading challenge for those who love their reads darker and dirtier than the norm!

One of the things I missed most in 2018 was being able to read as often and widely as I wanted to. I used to blog about my favorite monthly reads, but last year I hardly read at all! Although I still read some absolute gems, it was a terrible year for having time to read in general.

I was chatting about this to fellow author Nora Ash, who is an extremely talented and diverse romance author. We got into a discussion and ended up talking about what we’d love to find to read this year. In our quest to read more books we love, we started a reading challenge!

It’s called the Dark Surrender Reading Challenge and its open to anyone who wants to find romance books to read that meet the prompts below. We’ve set up a giveaway for those who manage to meet all the requirements so if you’re looking to set your TBR pile alight this year, come and join us!

Dark Surrender Reading Challenge

To complete this challenge, you have to read:

  1. A book where he has ‘enhanced’ equipment*
  2. A book with an alliterated title
  3. A book where she says ‘no’ and means it*
  4. A hostage romance*
  5. A book where the stalker gets the girl
  6. A New York Times bestselling book/series*
  7. A book written by another Zoey with a y
  8. A book where she gets two in one*
  9. A dark or dirty romance written by a male author
  10. A book with NAUGHTY in the title
  11. A debut novel released in 2019
  12. A book where a serial killer claims her heart*
  13. A book voted on by Dark Halos*
  14. A book about a taboo relationship*
  15. A book recommended by a Goodreads friend
  16. A book where his tongue meets the need
  17. A book voted on by the Naughty Corner*
  18. A blackmail romance
  19. A dirty fairytale*
  20. A book where the main characters’ names spell HALO
  21. A book with a breathtaking cover
  22. A book with a heroine called Nora
  23. A book with a virgin sacrifice*
  24. A book where he’s too big

* see the group for prompt explanations



All details, guidelines, and rules can be found on the link above.

Get involved:

Friend me on Goodreads to see what I’m reading, and share some books that fit the prompts

Follow me on Instagram for book reading updates

Join Dark Halos and the Naughty Corner for voting opportunities

Let the challenge commence!

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