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end of series

TRILOGY COMPLETE! Own to Obtain release

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The OWN Trilogy has come to an end. Own To Obtain, the final book in Kardos and Shaya's story releases today! This book concludes the relationship between this couple and provides closure to their world--I hope you enjoy it! I have loved writing this couple SO much, and their journey, although different, has added something special to the Myth of Omega world. Pick up your copy!   If you haven't started this trilogy yet, now's the time to start! Begin…
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TRILOGY COMPLETE! Reign To Rule release giveaways and Cover Reveal: Own To Obey

By Excerpts, News 2 Comments
The REIGN Trilogy has come to end :( Reign To Rule, the final book in Malloron and Amara's story is finally available! This book concludes the relationship between this difficult couple after everything that has happened between them and provides, what I hope is, a satisfying closure on their story and world. These two have been on a difficult journey, but I have loved every minute of writing their tale and expanding the Myth of Omega world, so I hope you…
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The End of the Power Mini-series

By News, Writing No Comments
And so it has come to an end. The final book in Cam and Thea's story has been written and is about to be released. As the first couple, I've ever written, I do feel a special affinity for these two. So I'm gonna chronicle my favorite things about them - stick around and indulge me :) Cam and Thea's three books Claimed By Power, Ruined By Power and Awakened By Power (what I call the Power mini-series) totals 177,000…
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