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Lizardmen, Silent spellcasters, and Brutal fighters – Fave Reads August, 19

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I've finally got another rec post completed! (I'm losing my touch--I've been writing this post for about ten days lol) Now that I've completed my Myth of Omega series, I've been able to get back to doing some solid reading. I missed it so much! In my Dark Halo group, we have a regular weekly "What are you reading" post that's keeping my TBR pile busy, and I was asked when I was going to be going back to these rec posts.…
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Unique, unusual, and otherworldly; Fave Reads Jan – July 18

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Can you believe it's been a whole EIGHT MONTHS since my last Fave Reads post? :(  This is my first Fave Reads post of 2018! Shocking, I know. I actually I wondered whether there was any point in continuing with these posts, but I don't think I could ever stop blabbing about my fave books, no matter how busy I get. So I'll do a seven-month round-up of my favorites so far this year, and then maybe try and do a…
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Fave Reads: 2017 Round Up

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2017 has come to an end! While I'm very much looking forward to 2018 and all that it will bring, 2017 has and will always be a special year for me. It's the year I: - released my first book, yay! (Claimed By Power) - released my first trilogy (Empire of Angels Power Trilogy) - met some great people who love reading what I read - met some fantastic bloggers and fellow authors - refined my genre and wrote my…
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Dark and Deadly: Fave Reads September 17

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I started writing a new series in September in an Omegaverse world (more to come on that!) and shuffled things around a bit in my writing and publication plan. So I could only read a few books in September because I have to put reading on hold completely while I'm first drafting. But, I really loved most of the books I read in September, so read on! 1 - Top September Read The Filthy Series: The Complete Dark Erotic Serial…
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Beauties and Beasts: Fave Reads August 17

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Ok, I'm late on this one... like a whole month late!! I was focusing on Guarded By Dominion and I set up the post but then didn't do anything with it! So I'll post this one now, and then do September next week. Anyway, August was a great reading month - I love reading in the summer! It's been really hard to select three, so I made the third choice a list of some great reads that I loved. 1 - Top…
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Sexy Aliens and Pen pals: Fave Reads July 17

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I had an absolute manic July. Life took over for a while and then I had to lock myself away to finish Awakened By Power, so reading wasn't a top priority. Still, I managed to find a couple of excellent reads that I forced upon friends as is my duty lol. So read on! 1 - Top June Read Ruths Bonded by V.C. Lancaster (Sci-fi Romance)   When Ruth finds herself abducted and thrown into a cell with a big…
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