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TRILOGY COMPLETE! Reign To Rule release giveaways and Cover Reveal: Own To Obey

By Excerpts, News 2 Comments
The REIGN Trilogy has come to end :( Reign To Rule, the final book in Malloron and Amara's story is finally available! This book concludes the relationship between this difficult couple after everything that has happened between them and provides, what I hope is, a satisfying closure on their story and world. These two have been on a difficult journey, but I have loved every minute of writing their tale and expanding the Myth of Omega world, so I hope you…
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Myth of Omega – New Couple! (Cover Reveal for Reign To Ruin)

By News, Writing 6 Comments
When Crave To Conquer released, I received a lot of questions about whether more couples were going to be released in this world. And my answer was always; I have ideas for at least two more couples, but it depends on if people like the first couple. Well, as it happens, people did like the first couple! :D So now I'm introducing the next couple in the series: Malloron and Amara Malloron features heavily in Drocco and Cailyn's story and…
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